origami butterflies

This weekend, a few wonderful friends sat and listened to me.  And one took action.  For this, I am very grateful.  This is going in her thank you!  (Maybe one very similar, anyway!!!  There must be a secret to getting perfectly curved wire.)

The origami butterflies were done following a you-tube video by Michael LaFosse.

I did the mobile below a year or two ago.  I thought I was so clever to use jewelry making supplies (i.e. beading wire, crimp beads, etc.) to refine it a bit (vs. tying knots).   Using the twig was a little easier than the wire and this butterfly was a simpler origami pattern, but I loved the way it turned out, also.

If you know the secret to the flawless bending of wire, please let me in on it!  I could also use a lesson in taking pictures of mobiles!

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One Response to “origami butterflies”

  1. Brenda E Holmes Says:

    Call me crazy,people often do but I like the imperfect bends in the wire, reminds one of how life is often not perfectly straight and there is that personal touch,the imperfections show a human touch which sometimes makes life worth living.

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